Project Overview
This project consists of the demolition, and reconstruction, of an existing rest area at the Butte La Rose Exit on interstate I-10 between Baton Rouge and Lafayette.
The contract, with a value of $5,800,000, includes the total demolition of all existing buildings and paving. The project calls for a new, plush, 8,000 square foot visitor’s center styled after Acadiana architecture. This new center was modeled after the work of nationally known architect, A. Hays Town and the project architects are John J. Capdevielle and Stephen C. Losavio. In addition to the new visitor’s center, two new restroom facilities and numerous pavilions are being constructed on the site. Also, over 250,000 square feet of new paving is required for parking and access to the site.
Construction Included:
- 8,000 square foot visitor’s center
- Over 250,000 square feet of new paving
- $5,800,000 contract
- Modeled after A. Hays Town’s work