Dow Fender Control Building
ABC National Excellence in Construction, Pyramid Award, ABC Pelican Chapter Project of the Year & Excellence in Construction Award
Industrial Buildings

Project Overview
In January of 2018, GROUP was awarded the Dow Building 37 design-build project in Nederland, Texas! Over a 2.5 month period, our GROUP Contractors design team worked hand-in-hand with Dow to provide a complete designed package, allowing us to mobilize and begin construction in mid-April 2018. We were also awarded the site development portion of the project, which included installing the GEOWEB paving system, limestone parking and required hydroseeding surrounding Building 37.
The finished Dow Building 37 consists of approximately 16,000 SF and is a shelter-in-place building to facilitate both day and night shifts, working with 24/7 occupancy. The building was constructed utilizing a pre-engineered metal building with rigid board wall and roofing insulation. It houses a control room, laboratory, men’s and women’s restrooms, changing rooms, lunchroom, library, medical area and over 30 offices.
We worked over 65,000 man-hours over a year-long period to deliver this project on time with zero safety incidents. Upon completion, we were thrilled to celebrate this successful project with our partners at Dow the best way we know how: with an eventful crawfish boil!
Construction Included:
- 16,000-SF building
- Year-long project
- 65,000 man-hours worked
- Zero recordable incidents