Methanex Building
ABC Pelican Chapter Excellence in Construction & ABC National Excellence in Construction, Award of Excellence
Industrial Buildings

Project Overview
The Methanex Building is a methanol facility located in Geismar, Louisiana which was relocated from Chile. GROUP Contractors was tasked with erecting 12 buildings of varied composition across the expansive plant site with the added challenge of consistent revisions to the critical path to accommodate the arrival of vessels which were arriving from Chile.
Methanex provides a secure and reliable methanol supply to North America and employs approximately 165 highly-skilled permanent workers. GROUP Contractors was presented with challenges that caused numerous design revisions throughout the span of the project and adjusted in order to remain on schedule.
Construction Included:
- 30 days of rain delays
- 189 change orders
- Numerous design challenges and delays
- Pre-cast wall panel erection
- Steel and pre-engineered metal wall erection
- Steel and stucco wall erection
- Building foundation design and construction
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“Through their cooperation, control of sub-tiers, and coordination, we were able to get into the buildings ahead of schedule. Success here made it possible to move up of other items that would improve the overall schedule and power for other requirements. It is hard to find a contractor willing to take on as many subs as it takes to build successfully.”