Valero Diamond Green Diesel 2

Valero Diamond Green Diesel 2

Services: Industrial Buildings


Associated Builders and Contractors Excellence in Construction

Project Overview

GROUP Contractors was hired by Valero to assist in expanding the company’s Diamond Green Diesel plant located in Norco, Louisiana, to enhance and augment the owner’s main entrance. As the scope of the project grew as work progressed, GROUP Contractors’ timeline was tightened. Ultimately, the project was completed on time and within budget.

To add further complications, the project timeline originally allowed for each phase of construction to occur one by one. However, as Hurricane Ida significantly impacted the area, construction delays were inevitable and GROUP was forced to consolidate plans into a much shorter timeframe, and GROUP proceeded to complete all phases simultaneously.

During construction, GROUP Contractors upgraded Valero’s main roadway, added extensive landscaping, expanded and paved the main parking lot, installed an enhanced drainage system, and erected over 2,000 feet of new fencing.

Construction Included:

  • 2,300 LF of ornamental fence & gates with privacy slats
  • 20,278 square yards of asphalt pavement
  • 300 square foot guard house
  • Timber piles to support guard booth
  • Monument sign & 2 ea. new truck scales
  • Site lighting, access controls & site security
  • 1,675 LF of storm drainage pipe, 24 ea. catch basins

“When customer-directed change orders were presented late in construction, [GROUP’s] team was able to complete the modifications with no schedule slip and only a nominal cost increase. These qualities define GROUP as more than a contractor, but a trusted partner.”

– Dr. William N. Wilkins, Executive Director of Global Security, Valero Energy Corp.