



At GROUP Contractors, we understand that the keys to success in construction revolve around safety, and that’s why we’ve taken the responsibility upon ourselves to make it a top-down effort. No one is excused from practicing, learning about, and taking every step possible to keep safety at the forefront of everything we do.

In the past, we only focused on the number of recordable incidents we had on-site. However, we’ve changed our mentality. We believe measuring how much you fail is not something anyone should focus on. Now, we track our successes in the forms of observations, audits, and training through a behavioral- and learning-based safety program, and because of it, we have seen tremendous results.

We recognize that our workforce is our most valuable asset and have taken the steps below to ensure its success.

Safety Option 2
GRP - Safety Icon Stop Mandate

Stop Work Mandate

This means that anyone on any one of our job sites has the authority to stop construction should he or she see anything that looks unsafe or that needs to be corrected. We see this not as a policy but as a duty and responsibility to others that could be affected. We believe the courage it takes to call out an issue far outweighs the potential danger of an overlooked problem.

GRP - Safety Icon LIFE


Stands for Live Incident Free Every Day. We put these stickers on our hard hats to promote communication throughout our organization, allowing for the open sharing of thoughts on how personal safety is important and that we care about the wellbeing of every person on-site.

GRP - Safety Icon SSW

Short Service Workers

Short Service Workers, also known as New-to-GROUP workers, are those who may be most vulnerable to incidents or injuries, having been newly introduced to our safety procedures. Wearing these hard hat stickers allows proper identification to establish mentoring programs to assess progress towards becoming a Site Safety Mature Person (SSMP).



  • Employee Training
  • COSS-Trained Supervisors
  • HSE Auditing
  • HSE Software


  • Safety Manual Reviewed Annually
  • Track Safety Observations
  • Pre-Job Planning
  • Daily JHA Plan


  • Safety Incentives
  • LIFE Campaign
  • Live Orientation
  • Worker Program


  • Goal Establishment
  • Annual Systems Review
  • Annual Review Orientation
  • HSE Software
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Follow-Up Actions Tracked

Keep up with everything GROUP-related, including new projects, job opportunities and the release of our online quarterly newsletter!